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How do I apply for the commencement ceremony?

Click the "Apply for Commencement" button at the top of the KC Portal main page.

What grade point average (GPA) do I need to graduate?

A minimum of a 2.0, however, check your Program evaluation, each program has its own GPA requirements.

What are Latin Honors?

Latin Honors are given to students who have demonstrated high academic performance. Eligibility for Latin Honors is found in our College's catalog here.

What happens to my email after I graduate?

The Keuka College email you use while you are a student will be turned off 6 months after you graduate. When your academic status changes, an email will be sent to your student account with instructions on how to migrate your data.

How many credits do I need to graduate?

A minimum of 120 credits is required to graduate, however, your program and individual situation may require more. Use your program evaluation to check the status of your credits earned.

What are the requirements for graduation?

All graduation requirements can be found in our College's catalog here. Please note that it is the student's responsibility to ensure that they have satisfactorily met all requirements for graduation.

What if I don’t attend commencement, how will I receive my diploma?

Students do not receive their diplomas at graduation. All students are mailed their diplomas within 4-6 weeks of graduating. The Registrar's Office confers degrees at the end of each month.

When will I get my diploma?

Diplomas are mailed 4-6 weeks after you are conferred.

When do I apply for commencement ceremony?

See the Academic Calendar for dates

If I participate in commencement does that mean I graduated?

Not necessarily. You may participate in commencement if you are within 15 credits of completing your program. You will be conferred when you have met all of your degree requirements.

Can I continue to use my school account to access Microsoft 365 after I graduate?

No, only active students are licensed to use Keuka College’s Microsoft 365 account. Graduated students will lose access to their Microsoft 365 license immediately following graduation.

How many Field Periods are required to graduate?

You must complete a Field Period for every 30 Keuka College credits required for your program.

Can I graduate in December?

Conferrals are done monthly depending on program completion, however, there is only one commencement ceremony in May.

When are degrees conferred?

Degrees are conferred on the last day of every month. Students are eligible for conferral upon successful completion of all degree requirements and all grades have been entered by the instructor. Diplomas are mailed out 4-6 weeks after a degree has been conferred.